The Centre, P.C.
The Centre, P.C.
Chesterton, IN 46304
Phone: 219-395-9200
The Centre, P.C. is a unique plastic surgery practice located in northern Indiana. Our heartland values of compassion and concern for your particular needs are complemented by the professional expertise of our surgeons and staff.
At The Centre, P.C., we offer two tracks to patients in Elkhart and South Bend and throughout Indiana and southern Michiana. On the one side are our cosmetic surgery and skin care services and products. And on the other is a coordinated set of services – surgical as well as therapeutic – for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the hand, wrist and forearm due to illness or injury.
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
When you or someone you love suffers from an injury, disease or birth defect that compromises health and well-being, the professional cosmetic surgery staff at The Centre, P.C. is ready to help. Our physicians are specialists in reconstructive surgery with extensive training in microsurgical techniques. They are board certified in plastic surgery and dedicated to providing compassionate patient care.
Our reconstruction services treat hand injuries, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. We also perform laser treatments for vascular lesions, skin reconstruction due to cancer, breast reconstruction following cancer, and breast reduction.
In addition, our Rehabilitation Department includes hand therapists who are trained in a multitude of disciplines and techniques. At The Centre, P.C., everyone works together to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to treatment. Visit our Reconstructive Surgery and Rehabilitation links to learn more.
To see if we perform a procedure or service you are interested in, check this comprehensive list of our Cosmetic and Reconstructive services, procedures and products.
For unparalleled skill, compassion and service in plastic surgery – whether cosmetic or reconstructive – come to The Centre, P.C. Please feel free to contact our plastic surgery staff if you have any questions or comments.
Common Questions Regarding Laser hair Removal
For hair removal, The Centre, P.C. uses the Cutera CoolGlide laser, a revolutionary long-pulse high energy laser that emits a gentle beam of light, which passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed.
The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The skin is further protected during treatment by an integrated contact cooling that provides epidermal protection and patient comfort.
What conditions are treated with the laser?
Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking, waxing and depilatory creams provide only temporary relief. Until now, the only way to remove hair permanently has been by electrolysis, which can be tedious, time-consuming and uncomfortable. The CoolGlide laser safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in under 10 minutes; legs, backs and larger areas can take longer.
What does the treatment involve?
Depending on the amount of hair treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the treatment includes:
* Both the patient and practitioner are required to wear safety eyewear.
* A small handpiece touches the skin to deliver the laser light; a light spray of coolant will be felt just before each laser pulse.
* A test area will be done prior to the treatment. Your full treatment may be done on the same day or up to two weeks later, depending on the skin reaction.
* Most patients experience little discomfort. Patients with a lower pain threshold sometimes request topical anesthesia.
* The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes or up to an hour, depending on the area treated.
* The treated area may become pink or red within 30 minutes; this may last from a few hours to several days and is relieved with the application of ice or cooling gels.
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