Summit Radiology PC
Summit Radiology PC
Dukes Memorial Hospital, 275 West 12th Street
Peru, IN 46970
(765) 472-8000
Summit Radiology strives to provide the highest quality of patient care and the latest technology available. Our laser is a state-of-the-art system designed to remove unwanted hair faster and with less discomfort. It is safe and effective for most skin types and hair colors.
Hello Laser, Goodbye Razor!
Summit Radiology offers
Cosmetic Laser Hair Removal Services
* Legs
* Under Arms
* Bikini Line
* Upper Lip
* Eyebrows
* Chest/Back
*Now offering eyebrow shaping and hair removal*
The laser works by producing a beam of highly concentrated light that targets the melanin pigment contained within the hair follicles. Once absorbed, the light transforms to heat, destroying the entire part of the follicle responsible for the growth of new hair while leaving surrounding skin unaffected.
Hair grows in cycles of various phases: an active growth phase (Anagen), a regressive phase (Catagen), and a resting phase (Telogen). The laser most effectively targets and destroys hair that is in the active growth phase. Since all hairs are not in the active phase at any given time, multiple treatments are necessary to achieve the best result. Hairs that may have been dormant during your previous laser hair removal session may now be in the growth phase.
The total number of treatment to diminish or remove unwanted hair varies between individuals. On occasion there are patients that do not respond to treatments. During your complimentary consultation, our physicians and trained staff will construct a treatment schedule that will meet your specific needs and ultimately help you achieve your desired results.
Pre-Operative Instructions
-Two to three days before the procedure, shave the area to be treated and allow it to grow to stubble.
-Discontinue the use of self-tanning agents, spray tans, tanning beds, and any other artificial pigment to the skin while undergoing treatment and at least three weeks prior to the first treatment.
Post-Operative Instructions
-The treated hair should exfoliate in approximately two to three weeks. You can help the hairs out by using a loofah or washcloth.
-Do not expose yourself to the sun without applying a sun block of SPF 30 or more. Be aware that the sun's harmful rays can penetrate clothing.
-Contact the clinic if any type of skin infection occurs. Additional treatments or medical antibiotics may be necessary.
