Skinsense Med-Spa
Skinsense Med-Spa
411 1st. Ave. NW.
Carmel. Indiana 46032
(317) 819-0011
Welcome to the New SkinSense Med-Spa, where beautiful results are not left to chance.
There are many types of medical spa technologies available. Regrettably, many who apply these technologies do not fully understand the complete spectrum of options available, nor the best way to utilize the technology for each individual client. This can lead to unfortunate results.
At SkinSense Med-Spa you will receive treatments only from certified professionals that understand facial and body anatomy. Our staff have carefully scrutinized the various technologies available and have selected only those that offer medical grade results and meet the highest standards of safety and quality. Therefore, when seeking a medical spa procedure for your specific condition, you can expect not only expert advice on the range of options suitable to your specific condition, but also superior results.
Whether you receive medical spa, or spa and cosmetic services from us, find your Serenity in the knowledge that you will receive the most comprehensive and innovative procedures, products, and services available today...all in the tranquility of our beautiful and relaxing environment.
The outcome? A more radiant, healthy, and beautiful you.
Hair Removal featuring AURORA-ELOSâ„¢
Getting rid of unwanted hair by razors, waxing or electrolysis can be a nightmare. Now, patients who wish to effectively remove unwanted hair and/or rejuvenate their skin can benefit from the advanced AURORAâ„¢ system.
Our highly competitive society places a premium on a youthful look. A wide variety of medical lasers and light systems are used to remove hair and rejuvenate the skin. However, each laser is not effective for all skin types and hair colors. This means patients have to visit multiple practices to achieve their desired results. The new AURORA system from SYNERON uses a technology called ELOS. It combines Optical and Radio Frequency (RF) to deliver satisfying, longer-lasting results. With this technology, patients can enjoy the results they desire regardless of the color of their hair or skin type.
Copyright Skinsense Med-Spa. 2008.
