Rejuvené Medi-Spa
Rejuvené Medi-Spa
3123 Blackiston Mill Road,
New Albany, IN 47150
866-948-6334 toll free
Rejuvené Medi-Spa offers a wide range of skin care procedures including Medical Microdermabrasion, Intense Pulse Light Photofacials, treatment of Acne, Scars, Rosacea, Vascular Blemishes and Pigment Irregularities as well as Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal, Botox®, Restylane®, Sclerotherapy, and Mesotherapy treatments. We also carry Pharmacure™, a line of specifically formulated, physician-only skin care products that have been developed to keep your skin looking its best.
What is a Medi-Spa?
The new fountain of youth. Medi-Spas are one of the newest and most rapidly growing industries that concentrate specifically on rejuvenating skin treatments. Rejuvené Medi-Spa is a physician supervised facility where medicine is integrated with alternative, non-surgical skin therapies to produce results that meet each individual's goals. Unlike the over-crowded, sterile-like environment of a doctor's office, Medi-Spas offer a tranquil, spa-like environment while you enjoy their personalized treatment.
Why Rejuvené Medi-Spa?
Rejuvené Medi-Spa sets itself apart by offering the most contemporary aesthetic medical procedures in a beautiful, soothing environment, designed to soothe and relax you upon entering Rejuvené Medi-Spa. Their Medical Director and treatment professionals provide you with the highest quality standard of care and a wide range of treatment options.
The Latest Technology
Rejuvené Medi-Spa offers the latest in technology to obtain the best possible results for your treatments. Rejuvené Medi-Spa is proud to feature the Starlux™ Pulse Light System by Palomar Medical Technologies, the most powerful versatile intense pulsed light (IPL) aesthetic system on the market today. In addition, we feature the Diamond Tome™ brand microdermabrasion system for the finest in exfoliation without pain or down time.
What is IPL?
Rejuvené Medi-Spa uses the newest Intense Pulse Light system (IPL) which is safer, quicker and more effective than the laser systems used today. The Intense Pulse Light System also does not take as many treatments as the laser systems used today which in return cost less and there is no downtime. The Intense Pulse Light treatments fit the busiest person's schedule.
In 1996, Palomar became the first light-based technology company to receive FDA clearance for Permanent Hair Reduction. Since then, we have continued to develop more powerful and effective technology to achieve the quickest possible hair clearance.
Palomar has developed the RejuveLuxâ„¢ Photofacial process for the treatment of pigmented and vascular lesions on the face, as well as the arms, chest, and other large areas. Using the LuxYâ„¢,LuxGâ„¢and LuxBâ„¢, the RejuveLuxâ„¢ process is able to clear sunspots, rosacea, and other conditions, in order to improve skin tone and texture.
We all want clear skin, but nature has a way of sabotaging us with frustrating imperfections. Luckily, photofacial technology (which uses pulsed light to remove skin imperfections) has been growing in leaps and bounds, culminating in the Palomar RejuveLuxâ„¢ Process.
The RejuveLuxâ„¢ Process uses pulsed light to treat the following problems:
Pigmented Lesions (Sunspots or Age Spots)- occur in response to sun-induced skin injury and appear as dark brown circles, known as Solar Lentigines. There can also be diffuse browning of the skin, known as Actinic Bronzing. The lesion darkens and crusts after treatment, and is naturally sloughed off the skin within two weeks.
Vascular Lesions - superficial blue, red, or purple veins under the skin's surface. Some common types include Rosacea (facial inflammation) and Spider Veins (tiny vessels that appear near the surface of the face).
Scars - Palomar handpieces treat hypertrophic and keloid scars by collapsing the surface vessels redness. Once those vessels are collapsed, the scar lightens in appearance.
Treating a pigmented lesion with the pulsed light results in heating the melanin. The damaged lesion is then naturally sloughed as the skin exfoliates. Similar results are seen in the treatment of vascular lesions. The absorption of the light in oxyhemoglobin, de-oxyhemoglobin, and the resultant thermal action inside the blood vessels result in intraluminal coagulation, vasoconstriction, and damage to the vessel endothelial lining, all of which contribute to the degeneration and disappearance of any visible vessels.
"Currently, there are two accepted non-ablative methods of skin rejuvenation: one that goes after microvasculature in the papillary plexus and one that utilizes bulk tissue heating through water absorption. Because the RejuveLux process delivers light that is well absorbed by oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin in the pillary dermis, as well as infrared light absorbed by water, it combines the effects of both skin rejuvenation methods. The microvasculature of the dermis is heated without creating side effects and with minimal patient discomfort or downtime.
"This technique involves the deposition of heat into the vasculature and tissue of the upper dermis while minimizing the heating of the epidermis by cooling the surface of the skin with the handpiece's cryogen-cooled sapphire lens. The heat-stimulated dermis releases mediators and initiates fibroblast activity, which induces the formation of collagen. Increased collagen production ultimately reduces fine lines, fills in very mild wrinkles in the face and neck, and smoothes the skin, reducing pore size and improving skin texture."
Long-Lasting results
Pulsed-light systems work by emitting pulses of intense lamp-light into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair.
The Palomar pulsed Light Systems feature multiple handpieces for a variety of treatment options, such as permanent hair reduction on all skin types. Ask your treatment provider what results you can expect.
Traditional waxing and threading treatments, which essentially rip the hair from the skin, can be quite painful. Most people, however, find Palomar Pulsed Light treatments to be significantly more comfortable. In addition, since the pulses of light pentrate the skin, you do not need to let your hair grow out before you are treated. With pulsed light treatments, you can remain virtually hair-free all the time!
Thanks to its advanced, technology, Palomar's Pulsed Light Systems work serveral times faster than other light-based hair removal systems. A woman's legs or a man's back can be treated in under thirty minutes, and smaller areas - such as the underarms, upper lip or bikini line - can be treated in even less time!
The Pulsed Light System employs a broad spectrum of light to attach acne on two fronts:
1. The short wavelength is ideal for absorption of porphyrins; this destroys p. acnes bacteria for a quick clearance of current acne breakouts.
2. The longer wavelength penetrates deeper into the hyperactive sebaceous glands and slows down their metabolism to prevent future acne from forming.
There may be an initial flare-up of acne, similar to the kind seen after a peel procedure or the beginning of a new topical or oral acne medication.Some of the blemishes may form scabs. Do not pick, scratch or remove scabs. The acne blemishes will fade after about 2-3 weeks.
