Randall Dermatology
Randall Dermatology
1351 S. Jackson, Street
Frankfort, IN 46041
765.659.3330 phone
765.659.3230 fax
Located in the heart of West Lafayette IN, Randall Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery offers state-of-the-art specialized procedures for laser treatments, cosmetic surgery, aesthetic skin care, and general dermatology.
Our Dermatoplastic Surgeon, Dermatological Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are extremely knowledgeable, highly trained and offer a wide variety of dermatologic and aesthetic procedures. As a Randall Dermatology patient, you'll receive the finest quality treatment in a warm, caring environment. Whatever your skin care needs - from addressing tell-tale signs of aging, to preventing and treating skin cancer, removing unsightly markings, or re-contouring your features - we'll craft you a complete, customized program utilizing the most advanced technology.
At Randall Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, your surgical procedures can be custom-designed to improve your outcome and can incorporate medical level spa treatments. This unprecedented fusion of medical treatments combined with aesthetic services are a hallmark of Randall Dermatology's pace-setting approach to skin care.
If you have unwanted hair, it can be permanently reduced with our laser/IPL hair removal systems. Our technicians are available to determine which hair removal system is best for your skin type and hair color, as well as how many sessions you may need.
Laser Hair Removal price based on region.
FREE consultation.
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