Laser and Skin Surgery Center
Laser and Skin Surgery Center
13400 N. Meridian St.
Suite 290
Carmel, IN 46032
Tel: 317.660.4900
Fax: 317.660.4901
Dr. Hanke is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the treatment of skin cancer, dermatologic surgery, laser and cosmetic surgery. He founded the Mohs Micrographic Surgery Unit at Indiana University School of Medicine in 1979. During the next 18 years, he treated more than 20,000 patients with skin cancer.
Dr. Hanke achieved distinction as Professor of Dermatology, Pathology, and Otolaryngology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. He was the first physician in the United States to earn this triple academic rank. He is a frequent lecturer in the United States and Europe, and he has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology. He has served as President of the Indiana Division of the American Cancer Society and six national surgical specialty organizations. He is listed in "Best Doctors in America" and in "America's Top Doctors," and he has received multiple national awards for his work.
Dr. Hanke is certified by five specialty boards (Dermatology (ABMS), Dermatopathology (ABMS), Laser Surgery (Independent), Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology (Independent), and Cosmetic Surgery (Independent). He has authored or co-authored more than 240 articles and books in the medical literature genre.
The Laser and Skin Surgery Center staff is a team consisting of a specially trained physician, nursing personnel, technical personnel, and office staff who will serve you. Dr. C. William Hanke, the dermatologic surgeon who heads the team, has had comprehensive specialty training in the procedures used within the facility.
The nursing staff will help answer your questions, respond to your concerns, assist in surgery, and instruct you in care after the procedure is performed.
Technical personnel, whom you may or may not meet, perform the essential task of preparing tissue slides for Mohs Micrographic Surgery, which are then examined by Dr. Hanke under a microscope.
A licensed aesthetician is also on staff. She performs light chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and permanent eyeliner. She is also available to answer patient questions relating to skin care products and makeup.
Finally, the office staff and insurance specialists round out the team, and are available to answer questions relating to insurance forms, payments, and appointments.
DESCRIPTION: Laser hair reduction is a safe, effective dermatologic procedure. The laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle without injuring surrounding tissue. The hair follicle is damaged by the laser's heat, resulting in an inability to grow.
Hair follicles grow in cycles. At any time, they are either in the "active" or "dormant" phase. The laser can treat any "active" follicle even if it hasn't reached the surface of the skin. At any given time, 10 percent or more of a person's hair follicles may be in the dormant phase. Therefore, several sessions are necessary for permanent hair reduction.
TREATMENT TIME & RESULTS: The length of the procedure is determined by the size of the treatment area. The most commonly treated areas are the upper lip, neck, chin, axilla (underarm), legs, sideburns, bikini line and back. A small area, such as the upper lip, can be treated in as little as two minutes. A larger area, such as the back, may require up to 60 minutes to treat.
The patient will wear protective goggles during the procedure. The laser operator uses a small handpiece to deliver treatment. The laser is equipped with a cooling device that sprays an anesthetic coolant (cryogen) on the skin just before the laser pulse is delivered.
The treatment site must contain pigmented hair, which serves as a target for the laser. Bleaching, plucking, or waxing must be avoided for several weeks prior to treatment. The best candidates for this treatment are individuals with light skin and dark hair. Tan skin is not easily treated; therefore the sun should be avoided for several weeks before treatment.
AFTER CARE: After treatment, a patient can expect the treated area to turn pink, and it may feel like a mild sunburn. This may last from a few hours to several days. Aloe vera gel, ice or antibiotic ointment may be used to alleviate any discomfort. The skin should be treated gently as if it were a sunburn. Bathing and make-up are allowed after treatment. It is recommended that sun exposure be avoided to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation.
The hair follicles will shed their surface hair five to 14 days after treatment. This may look like hair growth, but the hairs can be washed away with a wet cloth. Because hair grows in cycles, follow-up sessions may be necessary. Sessions should be scheduled at four- to six-week intervals.
Copyright © 2002-2006 C. William Hanke, M.D. and All rights reserved.
