Laser Hair Clinique
Laser Hair Clinique
4004 N. Campbell Square
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Phone: (219) 477-5751
Fax: (219) 476-9151
The Laser Hair Clinique staff has been in the hair business for over 30 years. They are specifically trained to administer the phenomenal technology used for hair growth and removal at Laser Hair.
We truly care about the people in our practice, which is why we bring the latest most successful technologies to the office and the most comfortable approach to hair growth and removal services for our clients. Laser Hair Clinique therapies are constantly being improved by new technologies and research. Keeping up with the newest and most effective technologies is what differentiates us in the hair growth and removal markets.
At Laser Hair Clinique, we believe that our patients deserve the safest, fastest and most effective treatments available. That's why we are always investing in new technologies to ensure the best results and best value for our patients. Our staff are frequently evaluating new technologies and processes focused on the best experience for our patients. While technology is critical, it is the people of Laser Hair Clinique who truly make a difference for our patients. We offer FDA approved technologies, and our quality staff focus your treatments on the ROOT of your problems!
Laser Hair Clinique specilizes in hair growth and hair removal services. Our vision is to help you look and feel your best.
Our Laser Hair Removal is Permanent, Safe and Effective - imagine never having to shave, tweeze, or wax. Thank you laser, goodbye razor!
Our Laser Hair Growth uses Laser Light Technology to restore hair. Experience the reality of getting back and keeping your own hair.
Our specialty trained staf use only the best new technology available in the market.
There are many ways to remove unwanted hair – some are messy, some are painful, and most are temporary – Laser Hair Cliniques’ LightSheer Diode Laser technology solves those hair removal challenges – it’s NOT painful, it’s NOT messy and best of all IT IS PERMANENT.
The key to hair removal depends on the color of the light a laser produces. The LightSheer Diode Laser utilized by Laser Hair Clinique produces a highly concentrated color formula. For a fraction of a second the beam is pulsed into the follicle and is well absorbed by the pigment located there. The light vaporizes the pigment, which in turn eliminates or significantly impedes hair regrowth by disabling numerous follicles at a time.
Another feature of this laser treatment is the importance of LightSheer’s special contact-cooling hand pieces, which is perfect for sensitive skin. It aids in cooling the sk9in before, during and after each pulse of light pinpoints the hair root for its destruction. This technique of aggressively removing hair and cooling the skin along with other key components allows safe and effective treatment of all skin types and colors.
For long-term hair removal, electrolysis is accepted and effective, but the process can be slow and uncomfortable. Hair by hair is removed by sending a small electric current down the hair shaft by needle to destroy the blood source to no longer support hair growth. It typically takes months of regular visits to eliminate the problem – even for small areas like the upper lip.
With LightSheer Diode Laser, the solution is MUCH MORE effective. This state-of-the-art system is specifically designed to remove unwanted hair faster, with less discomfort, and more reliably than many of the other methods.
The Process
Depending on the size of the area being treated, a session may last a few minutes to an hour or more. Sometimes more than just one treatment may be needed because the laser tends to treat hair follicles that are in an active growth phase which may have other hair already in formation.
The laser treatment may case a slight tingling sensation which is comfortable for most patients; however, because some areas or the body are more sensitive than others, a topical anesthesia can be used.
If there are any effects to the treatment at all, they are very minor. The area that is treated may be slightly red or swollen. It varies from patient to patient depending on the extent of treatment and skin type. Most people return to normal activity in a very short time frame.
We will be happy to explain more about your treatment and what to expect during your FREE CONSULTATION – SCHEDULE IT NOW!
