Dermatology Associates of Indiana
Dermatology Associates of Indiana
8433 Harcourt Road, Suite 310
Indianapolis, Indiana 46260
Phone: 317-338-9393
Fax: 317-338-9399
Welcome to Dermatology Associates of Indiana. We are a medical office that offers aesthetic services along with general, surgical and cosmetic dermatology for our patients. No matter what your skin needs are, we have you covered.
Our Services Include the Following:
* General Dermatology, Adult and Pediatric
* Rejuvenating Facials
* Chemical Peels
* Filler Injections: Restylane,
Juvederm, Radiesse
* Smoothbeam Laser - Skin Rejuvenation
* Surgical Dermatology
* Laser Surgery
* Spider Leg Vein and Facial Vein Treatment
* Botox Injections
* Cosmoceutical Skin Care
* Laser Acne Treatment
* Licensed Medical Aesthetician
* Microdermabrasion
* Laser Hair Removal: All Skins Types
* Blu-Light Photodynamic Therapy
* Botox: Hyperhydrosis
Light Sheer and Candela Yag
A series of treatments to manage unwanted hair growth. Available for all skin types. Prices vary depending on the area being treated. Some patients may need as many as 4 treatments to begin seeing results.
Prices start at $75 per treatment
Intense Pulsed Light Treatmentsâ„¢ (IPL)
This exciting new procedure improves the appearance of photo aged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigment, and redness caused by broken blood vessels through a process called photo rejuvenation for the face and body. This process is ideal for patients with active lifestyles because the procedure requires no down time! A series of three to five sessions may be required for optimal results. Pricing determined by area treated.
Prices start at $150 per treatment
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