Deja Vu Skin & Body Works
Deja Vu Skin & Body Works
4943 Rosebud Lane
Newburgh, IN 47630

What Can You Expect From Deja Vu?

DEJA VU Skin & Vein Center offers physician-directed cosmetic and anti-aging skincare services to patients of all ages - male and female. It's normal to want to look your best socially and at work. A vibrant and youthful appearance makes you feel good and increases self-confidence.

With the modern technology at Deja Vu you can rejuvenate your skin and take years off your "age" without plastic surgery. Our long-term skin care programs will keep you looking your best.


Many patients have hair they would like to “permanently” be rid of. With IPL technology we can eliminate hair from almost any place on the body. Treatments are quick, safe and do not damage normal skin. Each pulse of light treats about a square inch of skin area allowing large areas to be treated in a short session. Most patients find IPL less painful than laser hair removal.

Patient Information on IPLâ„¢ Hair Removal

Many patients have excess facial or body hair that they would like to permanently eliminate without the use of waxing, creams, tweezing, or electrolysis. This can now be done using the EPI Mode on the VascuLightâ„¢ HR system from Lumenisâ„¢ (a worldwide leader in medical laser technology). The EPI Mode uses Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to safely and effectively eliminate hair. Dr. Manley is the only physician in the Evansville area with the VascuLight HR.

How Intense Pulse Light removes hair. Lasers use a single wavelength of light. IPL, on the other hand, delivers a broad range of light wavelengths that can be adjusted according to skin color, hair color, and hair depth. Before treatment, the output of the EPI head is adjusted based on the melanin content of the targeted hair, melanin content of the skin, and on the patient’s skin type. The IPL precisely targets the hair follicle without damaging the epidermis. During treatment, the IPL elevates the temperature of the hair which, in turn, conducts the heat to the follicle. This causes damage to the cells in the follicle responsible for hair growth. After treatment, the damaged hair and follicle are eliminated by natural physiologic processes. This results in permanent hair reduction.

Important considerations. Patients must realize that, as with lasers, IPL is a medical treatment that must be performed in accordance with proper procedure to avoid serious complications. It is very important that the patient give a complete and full medical history. Pregnant patients cannot be treated with IPL due to legal considerations. Certain other patients need to be carefully evaluated before treatment to decide if treatment is advisable. These patients include those that:
·use medications that make them sensitive to light
·have had sun exposure or used a tanning bed in the target area within the last four weeks
·have diabetes with any type of complications
·have a history of keloid scarring
·are on anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as Coumadin
·have a history of a bleeding disorder

How is it performed? A test area is treated first. If there is no adverse reaction, treatment will follow. The area to be treated is covered with a clear gel and then a hand-held crystal delivers a rapid burst of light to the area. You may feel a mild discomfort similar to the snapping of a rubber band or nothing at all. Sensitive patients may use an anesthetic cream to deaden the sensation prior to treatment. Most treatments last from 15-30 minutes. Large body areas take longer.

How many treatments are needed? Hair grows in cycles. Only a portion of hair is growing at any given time, and only actively growing hair can be destroyed with IPL or laser treatments. This means that the area will need to be treated at intervals for complete hair removal. Usually four to six treatments are needed but some areas or skin types will need more. Frequently, there is dramatic hair reduction after the first treatment. However, if the first treatment does not cause noticeable hair loss, do not be discouraged. With each treatment we learn more about how a patient’s skin responds to the light pulses. The parameters will be adjusted with each treatment to obtain optimal results.

Is the treatment permanent? There is no guarantee that hair will never come back in the treatment area. If it does come back it will usually be lighter and finer than before. The treatment removes common hair but does not remove the tiny fine hairs on the skin.

Copyright 2003 Dr. Clovis Manley and Deja Vu Skin & Body Works | All Rights Reserved
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